July 5 – Sylvia Tracy-Doolos – “Linguistic Tools for Your Brick Wall Demolition Kit”

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July 5, 2016 @ 7:30 pm
Frasier Meadows
350 Ponca Pl
Boulder, CO 80303

July 5 – Sylvia Tracy-Doolos – “Linguistic Tools for Your Brick Wall Demolition Kit”


Discover linguistic tips, tricks and resources that can help you find your most elusive ancestors. Brick walls can sometimes be an obstacle that has more to do with language than anything else. We will explore how the language of our ancestors, as well as the language of the areas they lived in, can affect the results we find.
Sylvia Tracy-Doolos has been interested in genealogy for over thirty years, and working as a genealogist for seven. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Association of Gravestone Studies, and Palatines to America, and is Vice President of the W.I.S.E. Family History Society. Educated as a computer programmer, Sylvia is now working on a degree in history.